Spanish words with o accent
Spanish words with o accent

spanish words with o accent

And because they deal with tonic stresses, they also deal with accent marks. Once you have this clear, we will bring you an exercise which mixes all these different kinds of words.These three words refer to an area of Spanish linguistics (orthography - “the study of correct spelling”) that deals with pronunciation and spelling, in particular, where a stress falls on a Spanish word. Now it is the turn to practice the accent mark in words which are “esdrújulas”. We already practiced the Spanish accent rules for words which are “agudas” and for words which are “llanas”. Step 3: Practice the Spanish accent rules!

  • If the word is “esdrújula”, it always has an accent mark on the stressed syllable (for example, “sábado”, “teléfono”).
  • If the word is “llana”, and it ends in vowel (a, e, i, o, u), “n”, or “s”, there is no accent mark on the stressed syllable (for example, “amigo”, “resumen”, “lunes”), otherwise there is an accent mark on the stressed syllable (for example, “difícil”, “azúcar”, “lápiz”).
  • If the word is “aguda”, and it ends in vowel (a, e, i, o, u), “n”, or “s”, there is an accent mark on the stressed syllable (for example, “camión”, “café”, “quizás”), otherwise there is no accent mark (for example., “español”, “dormir”, “Madrid”).
  • spanish words with o accent

    Now that you know which kind of word it is (aguda, llana, or esdrújula), and which is the last letter of the word, you can easily place the accent mark, if you have the following in mind: Regarding this, there are two kinds of letters: vowels (a, e, i, o, u), “n”, or “s” on the one hand, and the rest of the consonants on the other hand. When you have classified the word into one of the three groups, the next step in the Spanish accent rules is to see which is the last letter in the word.

    spanish words with o accent

    Step 2: What is the last letter of the word?

  • The third-to-last syllable is the stressed syllable (these are called “palabras esdrújulas”), such as “sábado”.
  • The next-to-last syllable is the stressed syllable (these are called “palabras llanas”), such as “domingo”.
  • spanish words with o accent

    The last syllable is the stressed syllable (these are called “palabras agudas”), such as “abril”.Knowing where the stress is will allow you to classify the words into three groups according to the position of the stressed syllable in the word, counting from the end. For example, in “ sá-ba-do”, the stressed syllable is “sá”, in “do- min-go”, the stressed syllable is “min”, and in “a- bril“, the stressed syllable is “bril”. In order to do so, hear the word pronounced and identify in which syllable lies the stress. It is so simple that you only need to take two steps (which are explained in a very visual way in our Spanish grammar book): Step 1: Where is the stress in the word?įirst, divide the word into syllables and check where the accent lies. They are very simple, and all the students in our Spanish classes in Madrid learn them very fast. But first, let us review the rules to place the Spanish accent mark in a word.


    Do you want to keep practicing the Spanish accent rules? This free grammar exercise brings you more exercises to practice this tricky part of the Spanish writing system.

    Spanish words with o accent